OSG Member Spotlight: Ange Harvey

by Anastasia Bradley

OSG Member Spotlight: Ange Harvey

What brought you to OSG?

I was looking to go outside of my comfort zone and take my training to the next level. I had passed by OSG many times and couldn't imagine not working out in a clean, shiny, air-conditioned facility. But it's hardcore charm and no-excuses atmosphere won me over.


How has training here changed your mentality?

It has made me realize that you can do anything that you put your mind to, if you're willing to work hard enough. The weights don't care about your age, gender, or personal problems. I also learned that if you want to be great, surround yourself with greatness. It's contagious.


What is your favorite thing about the gym?

The energy and and enthusiasm. When you are here, you are pushed to be your best. Everyone is so supportive of each other, they want to see you win.


Through your recent battle with breast cancer what have you learned about yourself?

I learned that even in the best shape of my life, cancer can strike anyone at any time. I learned I am stronger than I ever realized possible. So many people told me I am one of the strongest women they know, and that I got this. I know that being in this gym with the no-quit, no whining, non-victim mentality, it just made me believe I COULD beat cancer. Losing was not an option, I would never give up. I could take that old school mentality and work & fight harder than cancer and WIN.

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